ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever heard of RAM? It's the space in your computer where everything happens. i-RAM is like RAM, but it's extra special. It's a little bit like having a super fast secret hiding place in your computer just for really important things.

i-RAM is a tiny little device that you can put inside your computer, and it makes your computer go even faster! It's kind of like a magic box - when you put something in it, it appears super fast whenever you need it.

Here's how it works: when you put something into your computer's regular RAM, it has to retrieve it from your hard drive. That can take a little bit of time. With i-RAM, everything you put in there is stored directly on the i-RAM device, so you can access it super fast!

It's like having a special VIP area in your computer where you can store all of your most important items, and they're always ready right when you need them. Cool, huh?