ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so imagine you and your friends like to play with balloons. You have one balloon and all your friends want to play with it too. But you only have one hand to pass it around, so it takes a while for everyone to get a turn.

Now let's say you had four hands instead of two, and you could pass the balloon around much faster! That's kind of like what iBurst does for the internet.

iBurst is a type of wireless internet connection that uses special equipment to give you faster speeds than you might get with other types of wireless internet. It uses multiple antennas to connect to the internet, which means it can send and receive information more quickly.

Just like it's faster to pass a balloon with four hands instead of two, iBurst can send and receive data much more quickly than other types of wireless internet, like Wi-Fi or 4G. This means you can browse the internet, watch videos, and play games without long loading times or annoying interruptions.

So when you hear people talking about iBurst, just remember that it's like having four hands to pass the internet around faster and make it more fun for everyone!
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