ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ICBM address

Okay kiddo, so an ICBM address is like a really specific way to tell someone where something is. It's kind of like when you give someone directions to your house, but way more detailed.

ICBM stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, but we're not talking about missiles today. Instead, we're talking about how the military uses those ICBMs to help them find specific places on a map.

You see, every place on Earth has its own special set of numbers and letters that tell us exactly where it is. This is called an address. The military has a way to make these addresses even more precise, by using the same kind of system they use to aim an ICBM missile.

So instead of just saying "I live on Main Street," someone with an ICBM address could say something like "My house is located at latitude 45.2134, longitude -122.45." Those numbers tell us exactly where the house is, down to the very inch!

But don't worry too much about ICBM addresses unless you're planning on joining the military or working with maps a lot. Just know that they're a way to make directions really, really accurate.