ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IM 67118

Well hello there little 67118! Today we are going to talk about a topic called "Artificial Intelligence". Have you ever seen a robot or a computer program that can think and do things just like a human being can? That's what we call AI.

You know how you have a brain that helps you think and make decisions? Well, AI is like a brain made by humans for robots or computer programs so they can think and make decisions too.

Now, how does it work? Think of AI like a giant puzzle. When you give an AI program something to do, it breaks it down into tiny pieces and looks at how other programs have done similar things. It then puts all those pieces back together in a way that makes sense for the specific task it was given.

Just like you learn from your experiences and get better at things over time, AI learns as well. Every time the program performs the task it was given, it looks at how it did it and what it could have done better. It then uses that knowledge for the next time it has to do the same task.

Pretty cool, huh? AI is used for lots of things like helping doctors diagnose illnesses, predicting the weather, and even for things like playing games! It's important to remember though, that AI is still a tool made by humans and only works as well as we make it. We have to program it to always make good decisions and treat everyone fairly.