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INEC card reader

INEC card reader is a special device used in Nigeria to verify the identity of voters during elections. It is like a small computer that reads a special card called the Permanent Voter Card (PVC) which every eligible voter in Nigeria is expected to have before being allowed to vote.

When a voter presents their PVC at a polling station, it is inserted into the INEC card reader, which then reads the information on the card such as the voter's name, picture, fingerprint, and other unique details to confirm that the person is eligible to vote.

The card reader helps to prevent fraudulent practices such as using fake cards, double voting or voting in someone else's name. The device is also designed to ensure transparency, credibility and integrity of the electoral process.

Overall the INEC card reader ensures that only genuine voters are allowed to vote and that their votes are properly recorded and counted, thereby making sure they have a fair say in the election.