ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


INTR stands for International Numbering Telecommunication Regulations. This is a big, important set of rules that countries around the world follow when they want to use things like phone lines, internet, and other communication services.

Imagine you have a toy phone and your friend is far away in another country. You want to call them and talk, but you don't know their phone number. This is where INTR comes in - it helps all the countries in the world agree on how phone numbers are made and how they work with each other. This makes it possible for you to dial your friend's phone number even if they live far away from you, because everyone is using the same system for phone numbers.

INTR is kind of like the teacher who makes sure everyone follows the same rules on the playground so that everyone can play together happily, no matter where they come from or what they're playing.