ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IP over DVB

Okay, so you know how when you want to send a message to someone far away, you need to put it in an envelope and send it through the post office? The post office is like a big system that moves letters and packages from one place to another using cars and trucks and airplanes.

Well, imagine if you could send a message to someone far away without having to put it in an envelope and without having to use the post office. That's kind of like what IP over DVB does.

IP over DVB is a way to send messages (like emails or videos) using a special kind of TV signal called a DVB signal. DVB stands for "Digital Video Broadcasting," which just means that the TV signal has been turned into bits of data that can be sent through wires or over the air.

So how does it work? Well, first you need a device called a DVB receiver. This device can tune in to the DVB signal and turn it into something your computer can understand. Once you have the DVB signal on your computer, you can treat it like any other internet connection.

That means you can send emails, watch videos, and browse websites just like you would with a regular internet connection. The only difference is that instead of coming over a cable or a phone line, the data is coming through the airwaves in a DVB signal.

So that's IP over DVB in a nutshell. It's a way to send internet data using a TV signal, without having to use cables or the post office.