ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iberian Romance languages

Okay kiddo, let's learn about Iberian Romance languages. So, a long time ago, people used to speak Latin in a place called Rome. But over time, when the Roman empire fell apart, the people who lived in different areas, like Spain and Portugal, started to speak their own versions of Latin.

These versions of Latin turned into what we call Iberian Romance languages today. There are three main ones: Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan. Each one has its own characteristics that make it unique.

For example, Spanish has words that end in "-o" and "-a" for feminine and masculine words, and it also has unique sounds like rolling the "r" in words. Portuguese has many nasal sounds and a lot of words end in "-ão." Catalan is spoken in a specific region of Spain and has its own grammar rules that are different from Spanish and Portuguese.

Even though they started off as different versions of Latin, these languages have changed a lot over time because people made up new words and borrowed words from other languages. But they still have a lot in common, and if you speak one, it can help you understand the others better.