ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ibrahim ibn Said al-Sahli

Ibrahim ibn Said al-Sahli was a person who lived a long, long time ago in a place called Arabia. He was one of the wise people who taught and wrote about medicine, which is all about helping people feel better when they are sick.

Back then, they didn't have fancy hospitals or medicine like we do today. Instead, people like Ibrahim al-Sahli used natural things like herbs and plants to help people feel better. They would mix these plants together to make things like ointments, teas, or powders to help cure sickness.

Ibrahim al-Sahli was really good at this and wrote a lot of things about how to use plants to help people feel better. He was famous for his book called "Kitab al-Musnad fi al-Hayawan al-Muzahhar," which means "The Book of Medicine in Animals."

People still read his book today to learn about how to use natural things to help them feel better. So, Ibrahim al-Sahli was a really smart person who helped people feel better when they were sick by using things from nature.