ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ike jime

Ike jime is a special way of catching and killing fish. It is done to make sure the fish is super fresh and tastes really good when people eat it.

When a fish is caught through ike jime, the fisherman uses a special tool to quickly cut it in a certain spot near its head. This makes the fish's brain stop working right away. The fisherman also uses a special rod to poke a hole near the fish's tail. This lets all the blood drain out of the fish's body, which makes it taste better.

After the fish is caught and killed through ike jime, it is usually put on ice as soon as possible. This helps preserve it until people are ready to eat it.

Some people say that fish caught through ike jime taste way better than fish caught in other ways. Plus, it is better for the fish because it doesn't suffer as much as it would if caught in other ways.