ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Illustrated stamped envelope

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about illustrated stamped envelopes! Remember when we talked about envelopes before? It’s that folded piece of paper where we put our letters in to send to someone. Now, an illustrated stamped envelope is a special kind of envelope that already has a pretty picture on it and even has some stamps too! It’s like a cool decoration for our letters!

So think of it this way, when we want to send a letter to someone, we need to put a stamp on it so that the postman knows we paid to send it. And then we need to look for a nice envelope to put it in. But with an illustrated stamped envelope, we don’t need to do that extra work! It already has a picture on it, which makes it look fun and pretty! And it already has a stamp too, so we don’t need to worry about buying one separately.

The cool thing is that the picture on an illustrated stamped envelope can be of anything! It can be a picture of a famous person, a pretty place, a cute animal, or even a cartoon character! And the stamp on it might also have a picture that matches the one on the envelope.

And you know what the best part is? We can collect these illustrated stamped envelopes if we want! It can be a fun hobby because there are so many different designs to choose from. We can keep them in a special album and even trade them with our friends to get new ones that we don’t have yet!

So that’s it, little buddy! Illustrated stamped envelopes are special envelopes that have a pretty picture on them and even have stamps already on them. They make our letters look way cooler!