ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Illyrian Wars

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a place called Illyria, there were some people who lived there and they didn't like the Romans. The Romans were a big and powerful group of people who lived nearby and they wanted to take over Illyria.

Over time, there were three different wars fought between the Illyrians and Romans. During these wars, there were many battles where the Illyrians and Romans fought against each other to see who was stronger.

During the first war, the Illyrians thought they could beat the Romans and they had some early successes, but eventually the Romans won and the Illyrians had to give up some of their land.

In the second war, the Illyrians tried again to defeat the Romans, but this time the Romans had even more power and were able to defeat the Illyrians more easily.

In the third war, the Illyrians didn't have much hope of winning and most of the time they tried to avoid fighting the Romans. This war ended up being pretty short because the Illyrians knew they couldn't win and they surrendered to the Romans.

These wars were important because they helped make the Romans even more powerful than they already were. They also showed that the Romans could defeat almost anyone who tried to stand in their way.
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