ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Image differencing

Okay kiddo, have you ever played spot the difference game? You get two pictures and you have to find what's different in them? Well, image differencing is kind of like that!

Imagine you have two pictures of your cat, one taken yesterday and one taken today. If you look carefully, you'll notice that your cat might have moved around or there might be something different in the background.

Image differencing is when you take those two pictures and compare them to see what's different between them. This is really helpful for scientists and researchers because it helps them see changes over time.

For example, if they have satellite images of a forest, they can compare the images over the span of a few years to see if the forest is growing or shrinking.

So, image differencing is basically comparing two pictures to see what's different between them. Pretty cool, huh?