ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Imamate in Twelver doctrine

Okay, kiddo, let me explain what imamate is in Twelver doctrine. You see, Twelver doctrine is a branch of Shia Islam which believes in twelve specific leaders called Imams. The word "Imam" means leader or guide, and in Twelver doctrine, these Imams are considered to be chosen by Allah to lead people towards the right path.

Now, these Imams are believed to be the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali. They are believed to be infallible, which means they cannot make any mistakes or commit any sins, and they have a special connection with Allah.

According to Twelver doctrine, the first Imam was Ali, who was also the fourth Caliph in Sunni Islam. However, in Twelver doctrine, the Imams are believed to have a higher spiritual status than the Caliphs.

The Twelver Shia Muslims believe that after the death of the twelfth Imam, he went into occultation, which means he disappeared from the public eye. However, he is still believed to be alive and will return one day as the Mahdi, who will bring justice and peace to the world.

In summary, in Twelver doctrine, imamate refers to the leadership of the twelve specific Imams who are believed to have been chosen by Allah to guide and protect people towards the right path. They are believed to be infallible, have a special connection with Allah, and are descendants of Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali. The current Imam is believed to be in occultation and will return as the Mahdi someday.