ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Immunoelectrophoresis is like a treasure hunt in your body! Our bodies have special proteins called antibodies. Antibodies are like superheroes that help us fight off bad germs and keep us healthy.

In immunoelectrophoresis, scientists give different clues to the superheroes (antibodies) and see where they go. They put a little bit of our blood or other body fluids onto a special plate and add a special liquid with clues called antigens that the superheroes (antibodies) can recognize.

Then, the scientists use electricity to separate all the different proteins and antibodies in our blood or body fluid. They put electrical charges on the special plate and all the proteins and antibodies move towards one side of the plate based on how big they are and how strongly they are charged.

The superheroes (antibodies) that find the antigens they recognize move towards them and line up in a special pattern called a "precipitin line." The scientists take a picture of this pattern and can learn which superheroes (antibodies) are in our body and how strong they are.

This helps doctors and scientists figure out if we have any diseases or infections, and helps them find ways to fight them off. So, immunoelectrophoresis is like a cool treasure hunt that helps us stay healthy!