ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Imperial, royal and noble ranks

Imperial, royal, and noble ranks are like different levels in a game where people get special titles and positions based on their importance and status.

Imperial ranks are like the highest level in the game. It is the most powerful and important title that people can achieve. It is usually given to emperors or kings who rule over a vast empire or country. They are like the bosses of the game and have a lot of authority over their people.

Royal ranks are like the next level down. They are titles that are given to members of a royal family, like a prince or a princess. They are like the special characters in the game who get extra powers and privileges because of their birthright.

Finally, noble ranks are like the next level below the royal ranks. They are titles given to people who are not members of a royal family, but are still rich and powerful. They are like the players who have achieved a lot in the game and have gained recognition for their achievements.

Overall, imperial, royal, and noble ranks are just different levels of importance and status that people can achieve based on their power, wealth, and connections. They are like badges of honor that come with different privileges and responsibilities.