ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Implementation (computer science)

Implementation in computer science is like building a big Lego tower. First, you need to plan what you want the tower to look like and what pieces you need to build it. Then, you start snapping the pieces together until you have built the tower.

Similarly, in computer science, when we talk about implementation, we mean building software based on a plan or design. First, we plan what the software needs to do and what features it will have. Then, we start programming the software, putting together lines of code just like snapping together Lego pieces.

Once we have written all the code, we put it all together and test the software to make sure it works properly. Just like when building with Lego, we need to make sure all the pieces are snapped together correctly and the tower doesn't fall down.

Finally, once everything is tested and works well, we can say that we have successfully implemented the software!
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