ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Impressment in Nova Scotia

Impressment in Nova Scotia is when a long time ago, some people would force other people to work on their boats, even when the other people did not want to. It was like when you don't want to share your toys, but someone comes and takes them away from you. These people who were forced to work were called impressed or pressed people. The people who forced them to work were usually sailors or officers of the British Navy. They would go to places like Nova Scotia, which is a province in Canada, and if they could not find enough people to work on their boats, they would take forceful measures to get people to work, whether they wanted to or not. This was not a nice thing to do, and it caused a lot of people to be unhappy and sometimes even led to fights and riots. Thankfully, this practice is no longer allowed and people have rights to choose their own work without being forced into something they don't agree with.