ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Incongruent melting

Imagine you have a toy made of two different colored blocks of ice: one is blue and the other is green. If you take the toy out from the fridge and put it under the sun or heat, the ice will melt, and both colors will mix together, creating a new color.

Now, let's say another kind of ice toy has two different colored blocks of ice that don't mix together when melting. This is called incongruent melting. So, when you heat or put it under the sun, instead of creating a new color by mixing, the two colors of ice melt separately, so you end up with two puddles of liquid that have different colors.

This happens because the different blocks of ice have different properties that prevent them from melting together. It's like having two different toys made of different materials that behave differently when exposed to the sun or heat.
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