ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Incorporation (business)

Incorporation is like pretending to be a grown-up! When you grow-up, you may want to start a business so that you can sell things or provide services that people need. But in order to do this, you need to become a company, and that's what incorporation means!

Imagine you and your friends decided to start a lemonade stand where you sell lemonade to people in the neighborhood. As kids, you can just sit down, make some lemonade, and start selling your drinks to people, but as a grown-up, it's not that simple. The government makes it tougher to start a business, and there are certain rules you need to follow to be a 'legal' company. That's why you need to incorporate.

When you incorporate, you go to the government and tell them that you want to start a company, and you give them some information about your business. Once you do this, they give you a certificate which says that you are a company and can start selling your products/services.

Now you may wonder, why would you want to incorporate? There are a lot of reasons! One is to protect yourself. If something goes wrong in the business, and people start to sue you, they may go after all of your personal assets, like your car or your house, to pay off any debt.

But when you incorporate, the company is considered a separate person with its own identity, so if something bad happens, the company has to deal with it, not you. This way, you don't have to worry about losing your car or your house!

Another reason to incorporate is taxes. As a company, you may be able to pay less in taxes than you do as an individual. Companies get to write off expenses and money spent on things like computers, phones, or other equipment you need for business. You may also get more deductions for the money you spend on health insurance or retirement plans.

So, to sum it up, incorporation is like pretending to be a grown-up by turning your ideas into a real business. It protects you from legal issues and may save you money in taxes.