ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Incubator (egg)

An incubator is like a special house for eggs. It's kind of like a warm, cozy bedroom and kitchen all in one for eggs. When a farmer wants chicks to hatch from eggs, they put the eggs in the incubator.

The incubator keeps the eggs warm and cozy, just like a momma chicken would when she's sitting on them to hatch them herself. The incubator also turns the eggs gently all day and all night. This helps to make sure that the baby chick inside the egg develops properly.

The temperature in the incubator is just right, not too hot and not too cold. This is important because if it gets too hot or too cold, the chick inside the egg might not be able to grow properly or even survive.

When the eggs are done cooking inside the incubator, they hatch into little baby chicks that are ready to meet their new home!
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