ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Independence movement in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a little island that belongs to the United States. But some people in Puerto Rico don't want to be part of the United States anymore. They believe that they should be independent and have their own government just like other countries.

This idea of independence has been around for a long time in Puerto Rico. Some people feel that the island has been treated unfairly by the United States and that they should have the right to make their own decisions about how to run their country.

But becoming independent is not an easy thing to do. It would mean that Puerto Rico would have to break away from the United States and create their own government. This would involve a lot of complicated legal and political processes.

There are also people in Puerto Rico who don't want independence. They believe that staying part of the United States is better for the island's economy and that it provides more opportunities for its people.

So, in summary, some people in Puerto Rico want the island to be its own country while others want it to remain part of the United States. It's a complex issue that involves a lot of history, politics, and opinions.