ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indigenous peoples in Canada

Indigenous peoples in Canada are groups of people who have been living in Canada for a very long time, even before it was called Canada. They are also known as First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. They have their own cultures, traditions, languages, and beliefs that are unique to each group.

Before European settlers came to Canada, Indigenous peoples were the only inhabitants of this land. They had their own ways of living and surviving, and their communities were based on their close relationship with nature. They hunted, fished, and gathered food, and they used everything they could from nature to make their homes, clothes, and tools.

Unfortunately, when European settlers arrived, they began to take over the land and resources from Indigenous peoples. They forced Indigenous peoples to move from their traditional territories, and they introduced new laws and systems that were not fair to Indigenous peoples. Some Europeans brought with them diseases that Indigenous peoples had never been exposed to before, which caused many deaths.

For many years, Indigenous peoples have been fighting for their rights and asserting their identity as distinct peoples with their own cultures and traditions. They have been working to reclaim their land, languages, and cultures, and to get their voices heard in Canadian society. The Canadian government has made some efforts to address the injustices done to Indigenous peoples, but there is still a long way to go to fully recognize and respect Indigenous rights and culture.