ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indochina refugee crisis

In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a big problem for people in a place called Indochina. Indochina includes countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. These people were called refugees, which means they had to leave their homes and go to a different place because it was not safe for them to stay where they were.

There were many reasons why the refugees had to leave. One of the main reasons was a big war that happened in Vietnam. This war made it very dangerous for people to live there. The people who left Vietnam and went to other countries were called Vietnamese refugees.

There were also many problems in Cambodia and Laos. These countries were ruled by bad people who did not treat their citizens well. Many people feared for their safety and decided to leave their homes. These people were called Cambodian and Laotian refugees.

When the refugees left their homes, they had to go to other countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia. These countries allowed the refugees to come and live there because they wanted to help them.

The refugees had to go on long and dangerous journeys to get to these new countries. They often traveled by boat or walked for many miles. It was a hard journey, but it was better than staying in their old homes where they were not safe.

Once the refugees arrived in their new countries, they had to learn a new language, find jobs and places to live, and make new friends. It was not easy for them, but with help from the new countries and their own hard work, they were able to make new lives for themselves.

The Indochina refugee crisis was a very difficult time for many people in Southeast Asia. But with the help of other countries, many refugees were able to find safety and a new home.