ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Infinite expression (mathematics)

An infinite expression is a mathematical expression which does not have a definite or fixed value because it goes on forever. Imagine if you had to count from 1 to infinity, you would never be able to finish because there would always be more numbers to count. Similarly, when we have an infinite expression, there is no end point to the calculation.

For example, the sum of all natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on) is an infinite expression because there is no limit to how many numbers we can add together. It continues on forever.

Infinity is not just a larger number, but it represents an endless and boundless amount. So, any expression that includes infinity, whether it be a limit, series, or equation, would have an infinite value, meaning we cannot put a number on it.

To understand it better, imagine a train that has an infinite number of wagons. You keep counting and counting, but you never run out of wagons to count. Infinite expressions are similar in that they are never-ending, and no matter how much we calculate or try to evaluate, we will never reach a definite answer.