ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Informal inferential reasoning

Informal inferential reasoning means making guesses or conclusions based on what you already know or observe. Imagine you have a bag of marbles of different colors. You can infer, or guess, how many blue marbles are in the bag by looking at what you already have in your hand or know about marbles.

But, it's important to know that informal inference is not the same as a real scientific investigation. When you make an inference, you are using your own knowledge and making educated guesses. In contrast, when scientists make a real investigation, they use specific methods and tools to collect evidence and analyze data to provide accurate conclusions.

So, just like when you are guessing how many blue marbles are in the bag, informal inferential reasoning can help us create explanations or reach conclusions based on what we already know. However, we have to remember that our inferences aren't always correct and that scientific investigations help us to get more accurate answers.