ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Information fatigue

Hello kiddo!

Have you ever felt really tired and overwhelmed when someone talks or explains a lot of things? That's kind of like what information fatigue is.

So you know there's a lot of information available everywhere - on TV, internet, books, social media, and even from people around you. Sometimes, we get so much of this information that we start feeling tired and confused.

Just like how you need to take a break when you get tired of playing or watching TV, our brains need a break from all this information too. When we get too much information or too many options to choose from, our brains can't process all that information, and we start feeling stressed, fatigued or overwhelmed.

This can happen when you have to study too many subjects or read a long book with too many pages, or even when you have to choose what to wear or eat.

So it’s important to give our brains a break, take a break from technology, go out and play or read a book, and limit the amount of information we expose ourselves to.