ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glass cockpit

A glass cockpit is like a really fancy computer screen that helps pilots fly airplanes. Instead of lots of different dials and gauges (like you might see in older airplanes), glass cockpits use just a few big screens to show all the important information. They show things like how fast the airplane is going, how high it is, how much fuel it has left, and even where other airplanes are.

The screens also have special features that can help pilots see things better. They can change the color of the information (like turning it from green to red) to show if there is a problem, or they can zoom in to see something really small. The screens are very easy to read and they don't have a lot of confusing stuff on them, so pilots can quickly see what they need to know.

Overall, glass cockpits are much easier for pilots to use than the old-fashioned dials and gauges. They help make flying safer and more fun!