ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Information retrieval query language

Do you know how sometimes you need to find something? Maybe you're trying to find a book in the library, or a toy in your room. Well, sometimes adults need to find things too, but it's not as easy as looking around. They need to use a special language to ask the computer to find things for them.

This special language is called an information retrieval query language. It's like a secret code that only the computer understands. When adults use this language, they type in special words and symbols to describe exactly what they're looking for.

For example, let's say someone wants to find all the books in the library about cats. They would type in something like this: "find all books that have the word 'cat' in the title or description." The computer would then search through all the books and only show the ones that match that description.

It's kind of like a magic spell. But instead of turning things into toads, it helps people find information!