ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Innovation game

An innovation game is when people get together to play a game that helps them come up with new and creative ideas. It's kind of like playing a game of pretend, but instead of pretending to be superheroes or princesses, you're pretending to solve problems or come up with new ideas.

So let's say you wanted to come up with a new toy that kids would love. You could play an innovation game where everyone in the group would suggest different ideas for the toy. Then, you would discuss each idea and see which ones worked best and which ones could be improved.

The key to an innovation game is that it encourages people to be creative and think outside the box. It also helps to have a diverse group of people playing the game, so you can get different perspectives and ideas.

So, to sum it up: an innovation game is a fun activity where people pretend to come up with new and creative ideas to solve problems or create something new. It encourages creativity and diverse thinking.
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