ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Insubordinate movement in Spain

Insubordinate movement in Spain was a time when some people in Spain, especially young people, didn't want to follow the rules that the government made for them. They wanted to do things their own way and they protested against things they didn't agree with. They felt that the government wasn't helping them, and that it was corrupt.

The people who were part of the insubordinate movement did different things. Some of them didn't want to go to school because they thought it was boring or didn't teach them the things they wanted to learn. Others protested in the streets or organized rallies to show their opinions.

The movement started in the 1970s and 1980s, when Spain was going through a big change. The country was moving from a dictatorship to democracy, and people were fighting for their rights. They wanted more freedom and the chance to do things their own way.

The insubordinate movement wasn't only about breaking rules, though. It was also about creating new ways of living and working together. Some people started to create their own communities, where they could share resources and ideas. They wanted to build a better world, one where people helped each other and respected the planet.

Now, many years later, the insubordinate movement in Spain is still remembered as a time when people fought for their rights and dreams. It inspired other movements around the world, and showed that young people can make a difference when they stand up for what they believe it.