ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Integrated logistics support

Integrated logistics support is like taking care of a toy or a game. When you have a toy or a game, you have to make sure everything works well and that you have all the pieces you need.

In the same way, when the military has weapons or equipment, they have to take care of them so that they work properly when they are needed. Integrated logistics support is the way the military takes care of these things.

This means they have to:

- Make sure all the pieces are there
- Check to see if they are working properly
- Fix them if they are not
- Give instructions on how to use them correctly

They also have to think about how to get the equipment where it needs to go. They have to plan and make sure it gets there safely and on time.

All of these things are part of integrated logistics support. It is like taking care of a big toy or a game so that it works properly when you need it.