ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intel Data Plane Development Kit

Okay kiddo, so you know how computers work right? They have a bunch of parts inside them that help them do things like show pictures and play games. One of the important parts inside a computer is called a network interface card (NIC). This helps the computer talk to other computers and devices on a network.

Now, sometimes we need our computers to work really fast and do a lot of things at the same time. This is where Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) comes in. DPDK is like a special tool that helps the NIC in our computer work really, really fast.

It does this by making the NIC work directly with the computer's processors, instead of the normal way where data goes through lots of different layers of software first. This means there's less delay and things happen MUCH faster.

DPDK also makes it easier for software developers to create really fast networking applications because it provides them with a set of pre-built tools and functions to work with.

So in summary, DPDK is a special tool that makes our computer's network interface card work super fast and helps software developers create really fast networking applications.