ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intellectual humility

Imagine you are playing a game with your friends and you think you know the answer to every question, but your friend says that's not true. Intellectual humility means that you are willing to accept that you might not have all the answers and that other people might have different and valid ideas.

Being intellectually humble means that you understand that you are not always right, and it's okay to make mistakes. It doesn't mean you are not smart or knowledgeable; it's just that you recognize that there is always more to learn and other perspectives to consider.

When you are intellectually humble, you listen carefully to what others have to say, even if you don't agree with them. You ask questions to help you understand their perspective, and you don't judge them for having a different opinion.

In short, intellectual humility means being open-minded and recognizing that there is always more to learn.