ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center

Intelligent design and evolution awareness center is a place where people can learn and think about two different ideas on how we humans and other living things came to be.

Evolution is a theory that explains how living things have changed over time through natural selection and adaptation. This means that some species have adapted better to their environment and survived while others have not. Evolution also explains how all living things on Earth are connected and share a common ancestor over millions of years.

On the other hand, intelligent design is a belief that a higher power, like God or a supernatural force, created all living things on Earth. This means that every living thing has a purpose and was not just created randomly.

At the intelligent design and evolution awareness center, people can learn about both of these ideas and decide for themselves which one they believe in. It is important to learn about both of these ideas so we can have a better understanding of different beliefs and what people think about how we came to be.