ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intercarrier method

Okay kiddo, let me explain intercarrier method.

When we use our phone or tablet to call or text someone, there are different phone companies involved. These companies usually charge different amounts for their services.

Intercarrier method helps to make sure that each phone company gets paid fairly for the service they provide. It does this by using a sort of "middleman" called a clearinghouse.

When you make a call or send a text, the clearinghouse checks which phone companies are involved and how much each company should be paid for the service. Then it makes sure that each company receives the correct amount of money.

Think of intercarrier method like a teacher in a classroom. The teacher makes sure that everyone is doing their job and getting paid fairly. The phone companies are the students and the clearinghouse is the teacher.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.