ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Association of Forensic Linguists

Okay kiddo, do you know what a detective does? Well, sometimes they need to figure out who wrote a certain message, like a letter or an email. But sometimes, the message is not very clear and they need someone who can help them understand it better. That's where forensic linguists come in.

The International Association of Forensic Linguists is a group of people who study how language is used in the law. They help detectives and lawyers understand messages that are not very clear, like texts or online messages that might have been written by a criminal. They also study how people talk and write when they are lying or trying to hide something.

Forensic linguists can help solve crimes by analyzing things like grammar, slang, or even how someone uses punctuation. They use their knowledge to figure out who might have written a certain message or if two messages were written by the same person. This can be really helpful in solving mysteries or figuring out who did something wrong.

So, the International Association of Forensic Linguists is a club of people who help detectives and lawyers understand messages that are difficult to understand. They use their knowledge of language to solve crimes and figure out who might be lying.