ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Okay kiddo, you may have heard about something called "human rights". It means that everyone, no matter where they're from or who they are, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. But sadly, not everyone in the world gets to enjoy these rights.

Iran is a country in the Middle East, where some people don't always get to enjoy their human rights. This means that they might be treated unfairly or even harmed by their government or other people in power. This is not okay, and something needs to be done about it.

That's where an international campaign for human rights in Iran comes in. It's a big effort by people and organizations from all over the world to try and help make sure that people in Iran are treated fairly and with respect.

This campaign might involve things like speaking out about what's happening in Iran, raising awareness about human rights violations, or putting pressure on the Iranian government to do better. It might also involve things like providing resources or support to people in Iran who are working to make sure human rights are respected.

Overall, the international campaign for human rights in Iran is all about making sure that everyone in the world - no matter where they're from or who they are - gets to enjoy the same basic rights and freedoms that we all deserve.