ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Chamber of Shipping

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is a group of people who work together to help make sure that ships can travel safely and efficiently around the world. It's like a big club of ship owners and operators who want to work together to create rules and standards for the shipping industry.

When you go on a trip, you might take a plane or a car, but some people and things need to be transported by sea. For example, big cargo ships carry goods like cars, clothing, and food across oceans. And there are also big ships that carry people on cruises or for work, like on oil rigs.

The ICS works to create rules and standards that make sure that ships are built safely and operate in a way that makes sense for everyone. They help to make sure that the ships are maintained well and that they follow the rules when they're on the water. They also work with governments and other organizations to make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to shipping laws and regulations.

So, in a way, the ICS is like a big team that works together to make sure that the ships we rely on to carry things and people across the ocean are safe and efficient.