ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Coalition for Religious Freedom

Okay, so imagine you and your friends have a big playground and you all want to play together. But sometimes, some of your friends may want to play a different game or do something different than the rest of you.

Similarly, people all around the world have different beliefs and ways they choose to worship or not worship their gods. Sometimes, people are not allowed to practice their beliefs freely because the people in charge of the playground, which is the government of their country, make laws against them or discriminate them.

That's when the international coalition for religious freedom comes in. It's like a big group of friends from all over the world who want to play together but respect each other's differences. They work together to make sure that everyone is allowed to practice their religious beliefs without fear of being punished or discriminated against. It's like they are saying, "Hey, we may have different beliefs but we are all friends and we want to be able to play together and be happy."

So, the coalition talks to governments and organizations to make sure that everyone has the freedom to practice their religion without fear or harm. This way, everyone can live happily and peacefully on the playground.