ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Confederation of Labor

Ok kiddo, so let me explain to you what the International Confederation of Labor (ICL) is. You know how when you play a game with your friends, you have to work together to win? Well, that's kind of like what the ICL is. It's a group of people from different parts of the world who work together to make sure that workers all over the world are treated fairly and have good jobs.

The ICL is like a big team made up of different worker and trade unions from all around the world. They work together to make sure that workers have a voice and are treated with respect by their employers. They also work to improve working conditions, help workers get fair wages, and make sure that their rights are protected.

The ICL is kind of like a big family of workers who come together to help each other out. They share ideas, resources, and support each other when times are tough. They also work to create a better future for workers around the world.

So, in short, the International Confederation of Labor is a group of people who work together to make sure that workers around the world are treated fairly and have good jobs. They're like a big team that helps each other out and fights for the rights of workers everywhere.