ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Conference on Creationism

An international conference on creationism is a big gathering where people from all over the world come together to talk about how the world was made. Some people believe that God created everything, while others believe that the world evolved from a single-celled organism. The conference is an opportunity for these people to discuss their beliefs and learn from one another.

At the conference, there are usually many speakers who are experts in different fields. They talk about things like biology, geology, and astronomy, and how their research supports their beliefs about the creation of the world. People can ask questions and have discussions about what they have learned.

One of the most important things about the conference is that everyone is respectful of each other's beliefs. Even if people disagree with each other, they still listen and try to understand each other's viewpoints. This is called having an open mind, and it's important because it helps us learn from each other and find common ground.

In summary, an international conference on creationism is a big gathering where people come together to learn about and discuss how the world was made. People share their beliefs and knowledge, listen to others, and try to understand different perspectives. It's a way for people from all over the world to learn from each other and find common ground.