ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Crime Victims Survey

Let's say you have a toy that you really like, but someone takes it away from you without your permission. That doesn't feel very good, does it? This can happen to grown-ups too, but instead of a toy, it might be something like their wallet or phone. When someone takes something from them like that, it's called a crime.

But did you know that crimes can happen in different countries too? Sometimes people from other countries might come to visit or live in a different country, and they might also become victims of crimes while they are there.

The International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS) is like a big questionnaire that helps to understand how often people experience crimes in different places around the world. It's kind of like asking a lot of people if anyone has taken anything from them without their permission, or if anyone has hurt them on purpose.

By asking lots of people in lots of different countries these kinds of questions, we can learn more about how common crime is in different places, and what kinds of crimes are most common. This helps people to know where to focus their efforts to prevent and reduce crime, and also to try to help people who have become victims of crimes.