ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Criminal Police Organization

The international criminal police organization, also known as INTERPOL for short, is like a special club that helps police officers from different countries work together to stop bad guys from doing bad things. Like if a really sneaky thief steals something from one country and runs away to another country, INTERPOL helps the police in both countries share information and work together to catch the thief and bring them to justice. Think of it like when you play with your friends at recess and you all work together to catch the person who is "it" in a game of tag. Except, instead of playing tag, the police officers are trying to catch people who have done really bad things and need to be stopped. And instead of just one playground, they are working in many different countries all over the world. INTERPOL even has a cool symbol, which is like their secret handshake, that shows that they are all part of the same important club.