ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Day of the Disappeared

International Day of the Disappeared is a very special day when we remember all the people who are missing from their families and friends. Sometimes, people go missing because of violence, war or other dangerous situations happening around them. This can be very sad for the people who love them.

On this day, we try to show our support to these people by letting them know that they are not alone. We make efforts to find missing people and help bring them back home. We also try to raise awareness about the issue of missing people so that more people can know about it and help in any way they can.

The day is usually marked on August 30th every year, and people around the world remember those who are missing and show their support for their families who are still waiting for them to come back. It is a day to remind people that all life is valuable and that everyone deserves to be found, especially those who have become lost without any trace.

So, as you can see, International Day of the Disappeared is a special day that reminds us all to be grateful for those who are with us and to never give up hope that those who are lost will be found.