ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Glaciological Society

Okay, let's imagine we're in a really big playground with lots of toys to play with. The International Glaciological Society (IGS) is like a group of grownups who really like playing with one specific kind of toy: ice!
These grown-ups are from all over the world, and they come together to talk about and study ice in its various forms, like glaciers (which are like giant ice rivers), ice caps (which are like big frozen landscapes), and the ice that covers the poles of the Earth (which is also called the polar ice caps).
They want to know more about how ice works, and how it affects our planet and the creatures that live on it. They share information with each other about their research, and come up with new ways to study ice so that they can learn even more.
Sometimes they even organize big events, like meetings or conferences, where they all get together in one place and tell each other about their most exciting ice-related discoveries. And by working together like this, they hope to help us all understand this important "toy" a little bit better.