ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Primate Day

International Primate Day is a special day that celebrates and raises awareness about primates all over the world.

Okay, so what are primates?

Well, primates are a type of animal that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. They have some special characteristics like they have big brains, they can use their hands for things like grabbing, they can move around easily by climbing or walking, and they also have good eyesight.

Why do we need to celebrate them?

Unfortunately, some primates are in danger because of things like habitat destruction, hunting, and trade for pets or laboratory experiments. Celebrating them on this day helps us raise awareness about these issues and work towards protecting them.

What can we do to help primates?

We can help primates by learning more about them, supporting conservation efforts, and spreading the word about the importance of protecting them. We can also make sure that we are not supporting illegal trade or deforestation that harms primates and their habitats. By doing all these things, we can help ensure that primates continue to thrive for many generations to come.