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International Workers' Day

Do you know what a worker is? It's someone who has a job and works hard to earn money to take care of themselves and their family. International Workers' Day is a special day celebrated on May 1st all around the world to honor and celebrate workers and their rights.

A long time ago, workers didn't have very many rights, which means they couldn't ask for things like fair pay, safe working conditions, and breaks throughout the day. They had to work for long hours without any rest, and sometimes they even had to work in dangerous places.

But some brave workers decided that they wanted to change the way things were, and they started organizing and protesting for their rights. One of the most important protests happened on May 1st, 1886 in the United States. Thousands of workers marched in the streets asking for an eight-hour workday and better working conditions.

Although it was a peaceful protest, some workers were arrested and even killed by the police. But their sacrifice was not in vain, and eventually, their demands were heard, and many improvements were made to workers' rights.

Today, International Workers' Day is celebrated in many countries as a reminder of the importance of workers and their contributions to our society. Workers, including those who make our food, clothes, and homes, are appreciated and honored for the essential work they do every day. It's a day to recognize and fight for workers' rights, to make sure everyone is treated fairly and justly at their job, no matter where they live in the world.