ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan

Hey kiddo! So there's a place called Afghanistan, it's really far away from here. Some years ago, countries like the United States, Canada and others, decided that they needed to help Afghanistan because there were some people there who wanted to hurt other people in different parts of the world.

These people were called terrorists and they did really bad things like hurting, killing and scaring other people for no good reason. So, countries like the United States and their friends went to Afghanistan to try to stop these terrorists from doing these bad things.

As the years went by, some countries decided that they had been there for a long time and that it wasn't helping anymore, and that they should go home. Other countries decided to stay a bit more to keep trying to help.

Now, some people around the world have different opinions about this. Some people think that the war in Afghanistan was a good thing because it helped stop some bad people from doing really bad things.

Other people think that the war in Afghanistan wasn't a good thing because it was really long and didn't really solve anything. Some people think that it made things worse for the people who live in Afghanistan.

People have different opinions, but what's important is that everyone should try to be kind and respectful to other people who have different opinions than their own.