Hello there! Do you know what the internet is? It's a big place where we can see and talk to lots of people, play games, and find information about things we're curious about! But just like in real life, we need to be careful when we're on the internet so we don't run into danger or bad people.
That's why people made something called the Internet Safety Act. It's to make sure that all the websites we go on are safe and don't have anything bad on them.
The people who made this act want to make sure that we're safe when we're on the internet. It's like when we cross the street and need to look both ways before we walk. We need to make sure we're being safe on the internet too.
The internet has some rules, just like we have rules in school or at home. A lot of these rules are about our safety. These rules make sure that we don't give out our personal information to anyone we don't know, we don't talk to people who are mean or say bad things, and we don't click on links that we don't trust.
So, the Internet Safety Act helps keep us safer by making sure that there are special people who watch over all the websites we go on. They check to make sure that nothing bad is happening, and if they find something bad, they make sure it gets taken down.
That's why it's important to remember to be safe on the internet and follow the rules. We should always tell a grown-up if we're not sure about something we see or read and remember to protect our personal information. By following the rules, we can help make the internet a safer place for everyone!